You guys. COVID overload. Pandemic fatigue. Social distancing meltdown.
Whatever you call it. I have it. Not to the extent that I'm breaking protocol or anything. I'm still masking at the grocery store (the only place I go, by the way). I'm still just waving at neighbors from across the street. And I'm still washing my hands until they bleed.
But please, can we talk about something else for just a little bit?

Since this is a blog dedicated to diversity in reading, AND since we're all stuck at home either ordering e-books from our local library (a thousand yeses!!!) or the closest indie bookstores (yes!!!) or (only if you're desperate or a heartless Scrooge) Amazon, I thought we'd take a hard look at what's on our shelves and how we can add diversity and inclusiveness there.
So consider yourself officially invited to this party. (I know you don't have much else going on). Over the next five weeks, we're going to examine and talk about practical ways to diversify your personal or classroom collection. We'll talk about how to evaluate what you have, identify what's missing, and why it even matters in the first place.
Guys, this is a subject near and dear to my heart. I believe a diverse representation of literature begins hard conversations about cultural, racial, and gender differences. It's a safe place to start exploring our differences and seeing the many ways in which we can grow.
What's missing from your library? Where does the conversation begin for you? I can't wait to dive in with you.

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