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Exploring diverse books...


Nov 15, 2021
Why Your Kid Should Read Banned Books...with You
When I was about 10, my mom gave me "the talk." This extravaganza of information meant she checked a book out of the library, complete...

Feb 10, 2020
The Deepest Well: A new look at trauma
Burke Harris introduces ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) into the vernacular, provides a simple test for self-diagnosis, and lays out an

Dec 9, 2019
The Water Dancer: A Quick & Dirty Book Review
Complex characters with multiple layers of interest and the added intrigue of a"familial" web between several of the characters ke

Sep 14, 2019
Akata Witch Series: A Q&D Book Review
"...when the world around you is changing, it's hard to find your place in it. But you can discover who you are through all that ch

Aug 10, 2019
Quick & Dirty Book Review: Persepolis
I don't know much about Middle Eastern history. This fact embarrasses me, given that much of our world politics revolves around this very...

Jul 12, 2019
Quick & Dirty Book Review: Any Small Goodness
I'm hoping these Quick & Dirty Book Reviews (Q&D) will give you enough information to whet your appetite without giving away the

Mar 13, 2019
Beyond the Bright Sea - A review
Wolk weaves several plot twists and turns into the narrative. This is really her strength. Just when you think the conflict is solved or loo

Sep 26, 2018
The Spice of Life: A book review of Salt: A World History
The book Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky begins at the dawn of civilization and traces the path of salt through to modern times. Kur

Jul 18, 2018
We All Come From Somewhere: A Review of A Different Pond
We all come from somewhere. Whether our ancestors crossed the ocean in a merchant ship or slipped over the border under cover of...
Hey There!

Reader. Taker of walks. Observer of life. I read books to learn about what I don't know, to challenge myself, and to broaden my narrow perspective.

7 Tips for Successful Summer Reading
It's here. Summer. Sunshine, time outside, no schedules. It's what every kid lives for. It makes the nine grueling months of school...

Why Your Kid Should Read Banned Books...with You
When I was about 10, my mom gave me "the talk." This extravaganza of information meant she checked a book out of the library, complete...

Support the Right to Read: Ways for parents and teachers to constructively engage
In this post, I tackle some practical steps parents and teachers can take in order to support the right to read - for all kids.
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