Hey friends! It's been a June, and I'm not quite sure how it's already July, and I'd like a redo of March and April...but here we are.
Thanks for sticking around despite the silence of the last couple weeks. June was vacation month in our household, so I took a few weeks off to just be. During that time I read some pretty amazing books that I'm excited to share with you later this summer, but mostly I just sat around. And I ate. Yeah. Definitely ate.
We successfully wrapped up a series on diversifying your collection. That series covered a range of topics from identifying the gaps in the kinds of books you offer to a list of resources on where to find solid diverse and inclusive literature. All in all, the five-part series served as a jumping off point for teachers and parents alike to cultivate a well-rounded collection of books for curious kiddos.

I decided to continue with the series themes for two reasons. First and foremost: I am lazy. An ugly truth, yes, but one I'm willing to own. The second, more honorable reason is because I want to add voices in to this ongoing conversation we're having about diversity and reading. In my new series, I plan on featuring a few local teachers and listening to their thoughts on diversity in literature as it relates to the classroom. We'll discuss ideas, philosophies, and the everyday challenges of incorporative new literature into curriculum. Representing a variety of educational settings and grade levels, it's my hope that some of what is presented here strikes a chord with you; that you find something meaningful to take away and apply. That you draw inspiration from others deep in the trenches, committed to making a difference.
Join us as we engage with one another over the next four weeks to talk about why it's hard but so very important to include a variety of literary voices in our classrooms. Add your voice to the conversation because it leads to richer dialogue and greater understanding. Can we start with this? What makes it hard for you to introduce new texts that represent diverse perspectives into your classroom?
Leave your comment below and let's get this conversation started!

I'm so grateful for the support of you loyal readers. Thanks so much for sharing and bringing awareness! Follow Story Trekker on Facebook. Get innovative resources for teaching diverse and inclusive novels and follow the Story Trekker store on Teachers Pay Teachers.